Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 04.13.2024 | Filed under:


Specimen # 103110
Mineral: Mimetite
Location: Driggith Open Cut, Caldbeck, Allerdale, Cumbria, England
Size: 5.0 x 4.2 x 2.7 cm
Price: $250.00 CAD


1 in stock


The specimen hosts beautiful lustrous green crystals of mimetite. The crystals are sharp and barrel-shaped, exhibiting elegant curvature. Under magnification, one can see wonderful late-stage smaller mimetite crystals grown over some faces of some of the underlying crystals. In excellent condition.

From the Tracy Kimmel collection – she acquired it from John Betts, whose label accompanies it. This is a really nice Caldbeck Fells green mimetite!

About Tracy Kimmel (click here)