
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 03.06.2014 | Filed under: Latest

Welcome! This website is brand new. Which means it’s not good enough yet, but that’s ok. You’re here and I’m hoping you’ll enjoy looking around, even though I’m still working on it day and night. Kinda like entering a mineral dealer’s show room/setup while flats are all over the place and display cases are only on their way to being filled. (I love that part of a show.)
So please come on in and look at all you like (you can start with New Here?, About Us, any of the articles under Beginners, Collectors or Adventurers, or dive straight in to the specimen images by any link on the left hand side under the Browse Catalogue categories – have a look wherever!) Very few of our specimens are on the site – we have a huge number of specimens coming online in the updates to be issued over the coming weeks and months. If you would like to be up to date, please bookmark our site and check back often, and if you’d like updates by email, please sign up.
In the meantime, I hope you’ll forgive the website-equivalent of stacks of flats everywhere (for example, the need for more minerals online (!)) but just step around the mess and have a great time gazing at the minerals.


Elbaite Tourmaline from the Santa Rosa Mine, Malacacheta, Minas Gerais, Brazil – 4.3 cm