Posted by: Maia Sinkins on 01.12.2021 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100853
Mineral: Barite
Location: La Côte d’Abot, Saint Saturnin, Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, France
Size: 7.1 x 5.9 x 5.2 cm


This is a beautiful large dark-golden barite! The main crystal is a sceptre, and the small sidecar crystal on the left is an even more pronounced sceptre. The barites from this find show recrystallization textures around the undersides, indicating that they broke away from the host rock sometime near the end of the crystallization processes. Remarkably, for one of these of this size, there is no damage – it’s in exceptional condition. Gorgeous, complex specimen from France.

(Note: the first photograph is illuminated with a strong reflector to show the back face and the crystal’s internal translucence.)

Additional information

Dimensions 53 × 20 × 18 cm