Calcite, Stibnite
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Calcite, Stibnite

Specimen # 200055
Mineral: Calcite, Stibnite
Location: Tongren Prefecture, Guizhou, China
Size: 6.5 x 6.0 x 4.7 cm


This specimen features a beautiful combination of jewel-like calcite crystals and a brilliant stibnite. The calcite crystals are sharp, transparent and lustrous. The stibinte crystals are also sharp and lustrous, with less definition at their terminations. There are twinned calcite crystals, and several calcite crystals have included stibnite crystals. In excellent condition, a couple of incomplete calcites at the top, behind the stibnite. The stibnite termination is a bit feathery/complex – I’ve looked with magnification and comparing to other stibnites elsewhere on the piece and believe this is just the nature of the terminations from this particular find but it’s hard to say exactly what is going on at the termination (with magnification one can see it includes striations and other surface features in places). Stands perfectly for display. A beaufiful, elegant specimen that looks amazing in the cabinet.

About John S. White (click here)