Dravite Tourmaline
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 11.21.2020 | Filed under:

Dravite Tourmaline

Specimen # 102439
Mineral: Dravite Tourmaline
Location: Lavra do Bode, Sao Geraldo do Baixio, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size: 8.4 x 1.1 x 0.9 cm


A beautiful slender dravite crystal from Minas Gerais. This crystal is sharp with glassy lustre and well-defined striations. The termination is comprised of a myriad of tiny needle-like crystals. The crystal is black from one end to the other, and at the termination the needles have a blue hue. In excellent condition, no damage. The crystal was ground at the base so that it will stand for display (a practice that seems to be common in Brazil these days). A very nice and unusual tourmaline.