Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100516
Mineral: Goethite
Location: Goethite, Volodarsk - Volynskii, Zhytomyr Region, Ukraine
Size: 5.3 x 5.0 x 4.3 cm


Detailed Description

Dark, lustrous goethite crystals in radial groups, standing up on a base of goethite crystals. The colour of the goethite is darker than it may come across in the photographs, but this specimen is so highly reflective that even with no reflectors in taking the photograph, it looks like the actual colour is lighter than it is. Stands perfectly for display. In excellent condition – a minor rub at the top periphery. Unique display piece – really nice.


About These Goethites

Although goethite is a common mineral, it is uncommon to find collection-worthy specimens of crystallized goethite.

These goethite specimens were recently found in one of the huge chamber pegmatites at Volodarsk (which have long been famous for fantastic beryls and huge topaz crystals, to go along with monster quartz crystals). Currently work at Volodarsk has been largely curtailed and it is not clear whether any significant further work will be economically feasible. Prior to discontinuing most operations, the mining workings intersected a pocket which contained these radial sprays of goethite. I acquired them from the person who mined them out before the water table was allowed to submerge the pocket.

The detailed locality information for these (included on the label accompanying each specimen) is Pegmatite No. 597, Mine No. 3.

Additional information

Dimensions 53 × 50 × 43 cm