Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100789
Mineral: Goyazite
Location: Goyazite, Rapid Creek, Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada
Size: 5.3 x 4.7 x 3.2 cm


Detailed Description

This is a great goyazite, with very pale lilac rhobohedral crystals up to 0.5 cm. Nice crystal surface patterns under magnification. Some micro colourless fluorapatite crystals and a sharp micro wardite crystal in association.  In excellent condition – incomplete crystals at the periphery and minor chipping visible with magnification.

An attractive specimen of this unusual mineral!

Browse More Yukon Phosphates

About these Yukon Phosphates

Discovered in the 1970s, the occurrences at Rapid Creek have become known as among the best localities in the world for phosphate species. At Rapid Creek, many of the minerals are the finest known for the species. The specimens in this  update are from the 1980s and 1990s, the heyday period for specimen discoveries at Rapid Creek.

Additional information

Dimensions 53 × 47 × 32 cm