Grossular Garnet
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Grossular Garnet

Specimen # 102015
Mineral: Grossular Garnet
Location: Grossular Garnet, Sibinndi, Arrondissement Diako, Cercle de Bafoulabé, Kayes Region, Mali
Size: 5.9 x 4.9 x 4.1 cm


A sharp 2.0 cm grossular crystal stands out in this pale matrix. The grossular is lustrous and under strong light it is slightly translucent. The crystal is dodecahedral with trapezoderal modifications. A couple of small growth hollows at the back of the crystal. In very good condition, there is a chip in the back corner and the underside at the back is incomplete, but not visible as displayed. Nice contrast and a really nice crystal with the modifications.

Additional information

Dimensions 41 × 59 × 49 cm