Grossular Garnet
Posted by: macadmin on 04.14.2020 | Filed under:

Grossular Garnet

Specimen # 200041
Mineral: Grossular Garnet
Location: Vesper Peak, Snohomish Co., Washington, USA
Size: 7.2 x 5.4 x 5.4 cm
Specimen # 200041
Mineral: Grossular Garnet
Location: Vesper Peak, Snohomish Co., Washington, USA
Size: 7.2 x 5.4 x 5.4 cm


This is a remarkable grossular specimen, from the Vesper Peak finds, decades ago. It features beautiful sharp, lustrous grossular crystals, with prominent cube faces. Cube faces are very uncommon for any species in the garnet group, and Vesper Peak is the world’s preeminent locality for excellent specimens of grossular with cube faces. These crystals are a warm, dark red-orange colour that includes deep sherry and beer bottle hues. The dodecahedral crystal faces are particularly lustrous.

This piece is from the Vesper Peak finds excavated between 1978 and 1984. Good cabinet-sized specimens of Vesper Peak grossular were rare and are now exceptionally hard to acquire, as they reside in collections. This one is from the collection of Jeff Rondello, and comes with his label, indicating that he acquired it in 1989.

The specimen features two main clusters of grossular crystals, towards one end of the matrix. For my taste, the best display angle is as in the second photo, with those two main clusters facing mostly forward. The third smaller group of crystals is at the right-hand side and in this orientation, it is near the back of the specimen, yet visible as displayed.

In excellent condition, particularly for this find and for a specimen of this size. The front/right main crystal ball is exceptional, with just incomplete crystals at the bottom/periphery of the cluster where this piece was attached to adjoining rock. The rear/left cluster is in excellent condition as viewed from the display angle, and has incomplete crystals at the left side middle, as seen in the sixth photo (it is incomplete at the back where it was attached). The small group at far right grew into a very narrow seam area and are partial crystals, incomplete underneath. All of which is typical of fine Vesper Peak specimens. The bottom of the specimen has been ground so that it stands perfectly as photographed.

This is a great display specimen of lustrous, cube-faced grossular!

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