Hubnerite, Quartz
Posted by: Maia Sinkins on 08.04.2020 | Filed under:

Hubnerite, Quartz

Specimen # 100258
Mineral: Hubnerite, Quartz
Location: Mundo Nuevo Mine, Huamachuco, Sanchez Carrion Province, La Libertad Dept., Peru
Size: 8.4 x 8.4 x 6.5 cm


Beautiful cabinet specimen featuring many excellent sharp black hubnerite crystals on clear sparkling needle quartz crystals. The hubnerites are all pristine – the tallest of them is 2.1 cm in height. The quartz crystals have an elegant taper to them, and the tall one on the left is in perfect condition, as are most of them, but a couple are chipped. Excellent quality specimen.


A small note – if you examine the hubnerites closely, they have a sparse microscopic dusting of greenish-yellow on them which I believe to be stolzite, although I have not had it analyzed. Contemporaneously with this hubnerite find, several specimens of scheelite coated with greenish yellow stolzite were also found, and the unusual colour is the same, so I suspect this is what it is (you can make these out if you look very closely at the third photo, but they are greener in person). In any event, that’s interesting – but this piece is most striking for its aesthetics and the tallest quartz on the left, towering over the hubnerites.

Additional information

Dimensions 74 × 65 × 38 cm