Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 102043
Mineral: Natrolite
Location: Blomidon Peninsula, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada
Size: 8.4 x 8.1 x 7.1 cm


This specimen features a large ball of natrolite crystals, with lots of sharp, glassy analcime crystals perched on them. There are hundreds of natrolite crystals in this ball, each with a sharp pyramidal termination, so this specimen has real sparkle under any light. The natrolite ball is was nestled into one corner of the pocket, lined with small anaclime crystals, as you can see at upper right. This specimen is in excellent condition as displayed, with contacts at the side and back (lower on the piece). A small spot on the underside has been ground flat so it sits perfectly for display as photographed.

This piece was is from my personal collection. A great one, with the analcime crystals dotted on it, large for a Nova Scotia natrolite ball.

About the Minerals and Localities of the Bay of Fundy (click here)

Additional information

Dimensions 71 × 84 × 81 cm