Quartz, Gaidonnayite, Hilairite
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Quartz, Gaidonnayite, Hilairite

Specimen # 101369
Mineral: Quartz, Gaidonnayite, Hilairite
Location: Quartz, Gaidonnayite, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Size: 4.2 x 2.7 x 2.5 cm


This doubly-terminated smoky quartz crystal is sharp, with aggregates of white albite and a dusting of colourless micro-crystals of gaidonnayite, mostly on the upper termination faces. There is also micro hilairite (tan-coloured, transparent), if you search for it with magnification. Other micro minerals in association include pale siderite, pyrite and rutile. In excellent condition – no damage. A very nice quartz crystal from this find, great with the rarer minerals.

Additional information

Dimensions 42 × 27 × 25 cm
