Quartz, Red Phantoms
Posted by: macadmin on 05.14.2020 | Filed under:

Quartz, Red Phantoms

Specimen # 101910
Mineral: Quartz, Red Phantoms
Location: Quartz with Red Phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Size: 3.8 x 3.7 x 3.5 cm


Detailed Description

Sharp, lustrous transparent colourless quartz crystals featuring red phantoms. The phantoms are incredibly well-defined, within the clear quartz. In excellent condition, a couple of tiny chips on the main crystal are hard to see without magnification. Stands perfectly as photographed – one of the nicest specimens of the lot.

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About these Red Phantom Quartz Specimens

These quartz crystals with red phantoms from Orange River are from a pocket found in 2016. Red quartz has been produced from this locality for many years, however, long-time South African dealer Clive Queit told me he has never seen any he liked as much as these, because these have such distinct red phantoms enclosed in sharp, clear quartz crystals – in his view they are the best.

Additional information

Dimensions 35 × 38 × 37 cm