
Anhydrite and Probertite from Germany
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 02.10.2015 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I have added some great specimens in the new Anhydrite/Probertite Update (click here). Recently, excellent specimens of anhydrite and probertite were found in a pocket at the Kohnstein Quarry, Niedersachswerfen, Nordhausen, Harz, Thuringia, Germany. The anhydrite crystals are amazing – euhedral, very pale lilac, translucent to transparent. I am told that although they are encountered at this locality once in a while, this is only the third time in the last 30 years, so it is not a common occurrence! Probertite is a relatively rare borate mineral that occurs as transparent, colourless, heavily striated, lustrous crystals (it is certainly rare in crystals such as were found in this pocket). I picked only a small number of specimens from this find, the best I saw, from what was a fairly small lot (it was not a large find).

Anhydrite, Probertite, GermanyAnhydrite, Probertite, Kohnstein Quarry, Niedersachswerfen, Nordhausen, Harz, Thuringia, Germany – 2.1 cm crystal

Anhydrite, Probertite, Germany Anhydrite, Probertite, Kohnstein Quarry, Niedersachswerfen, Nordhausen, Harz, Thuringia, Germany – 8.4 cm

Anhydrite, Probertite, GermanyAnhydrite, Probertite, Kohnstein Quarry, Niedersachswerfen, Nordhausen, Harz, Thuringia, Germany
2.2 cm anhydrite crystal, 2.5 cm probertite crystal

Anhydrite, Probertite, GermanyAnhydrite, Probertite, Kohnstein Quarry, Niedersachswerfen, Nordhausen, Harz, Thuringia, Germany
field of view 2.0 cm

Anhydrite, Probertite, GermanyProbertite, Anhydrite, Kohnstein Quarry, Niedersachswerfen, Nordhausen, Harz, Thuringia, Germany
field of view 4.3 cm

Anhydrite, GermanyAnhydrite, Kohnstein Quarry, Niedersachswerfen, Nordhausen, Harz, Thuringia, Germany – 3.0 cm