
I’ve posted an update with some superb new pyrite iron-cross twins from Colombia. These are some of the finest specimens from the 2022 production at the Gachalá workings. The iron-cross twins from 2022 are among the finest quality to date. In this size range, the quality is fantastic and they are like crystal models. The specimens in this update were selected out of stacks of flats, and are top pieces from the locality’s 2022 production.

It’s hard to believe how different the world was, only a few weeks ago. Who imagined then, all the ways in which our lives would be impacted in the weeks after Tucson. It will be a while until all of us are once again together at a large international show, which makes it all the more important to enjoy show memories and stay connected online. In that light, let’s travel back to Tucson…

I’ve posted exquisite new specimens in this Bolivia Bournonite Update. These bournonite crystals are from the Viboras Mine, Machacamarca District, Potosí, Bolivia.

I’ve added great new specimens in a new update of pieces from the Steve Szilard Collection. Steve is a well-known and highly respected Canadian mineral collector and this update includes fine mineral specimens from all over the world.

I’ve posted the fourth in a series of updates with superb specimens from John White’s collection.

I’ve added beautiful specimens of golden stilbite and glassy analcime from a recent collecting project in this new Five Islands Update. These specimens are from a pocket that was in an area of the cliff face often regarded as precarious (fortunately it was safe enough to save these pieces!).

The Rochester Mineralogical Symposium is one of the best mineral events of the year. Here’s my report from RMS 2019, with lots of great mineral photos.

I’ve posted Indian specimens from the personal collection of Rock Currier in this new update. Great specimens with great histories.

I’ve posted great new fluorites in this Madagascar Fluorite Update. Discovered in 2017, this Madagascar green fluorite is from Mandrosonoro, Ambatofinandrahana, Amoron’i Mania.

I’ve posted great new amethyst specimens in this Indonesia Update. Known as “grape amethyst”, these pieces feature beautiful groups of amethyst balls.

I’ve added some super new specimens in this Elmwood Update. This update features beautiful high-quality twinned calcite crystals, and also a great fluorite.

I’ve posted a new Egypt Update, featuring excellent goethite pseudomorphs after marcasite from the White Desert, north of Farafra Oasis.