
Red Phantom Quartz – March 2017
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 03.18.2017 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

As you may have seen in my Tucson blog post, a recent find at Orange River, South Africa has produced some beautiful quartz crystals with exquisite sharp red phantoms. I’ve posted them in this Red Phantom Quartz Update (click here).
Red quartz has been produced from this locality for many years, however, long-time South African dealer Clive Queit told me he has never seen any he liked as much as the ones from this 2016 pocket, because these have such distinct red phantoms enclosed in sharp, clear quartz crystals – in his view they are the best.

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South AfricaQuartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa – 5.0 cm

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Field of view 3.0 cm

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa – 3.8 cm

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa – 6.1 cm

 Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa – 8.0 cm

 Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa – 6.5 cm

 Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Field of view 2.5 cm

 Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa – 5.1 cm

 Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa – 5.1 cm

 Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Field of view 3.5 cm

 Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa – 4.4 cm

 Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa – 4.3 cm

 Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

 Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Quartz with red phantoms, Orange River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa – 3.7 cm