Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 01.25.2022 | Filed under:


Specimen # 200560
Mineral: Cyanotrichite
Location: Maid of Sunshine Mine, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA
Size: 6.0x 5.8 x 4.0 cm


Beautiful delicate tufts of blue cyanotrichite with malachite from the Maid of Sunshine mine. The cyanotrichite crystals are sharp and look gorgeous with a bit of magnification. Cyanotrichite is such a fragile mineral, so many specimens don’t survive, but this is an exception – it is in excellent condition! Most of the main crystals are in a recess, but others outside of the recess are also good. From the Pete Richards Collection – he acquired it in trade from Dan Weinrich in June, 1985.