
DR Congo Update – May 2015
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 05.23.2015 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates


I’ve made no secret of my belief that excellent black crystals are very cool. But colour is great too, and the latest update has lots! The new DR Congo Update (click here) features some amazing hues of pink in beautiful specimens of cobaltoan dolomite from Katanga, some of which have green malachite in association. The update also includes a specimen with exquisite twinned calcite crystals from Mashamba West.

Dolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the CongoDolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite with malachite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – field of view 3 cm

Dolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the CongoDolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – 7.3 cm

Dolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the CongoDolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo  – 8.5 cm

Dolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the CongoDolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite with malachite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – field of view 3 cm

Dolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the CongoDolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – 5.9 cm

Dolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Malachiteon dolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – field of view 2.4 cm

Dolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the CongoDolomite, var. cobaltoan dolomite, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – field of view 2 cm

Calcite on chrysocolla, Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Calcite twins on chrysocolla, Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – 4.1 cm