
Morocco Update – August 2015
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 08.22.2015 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

In the new Morocco Update (click here), I’ve added some super new specimens of erythrite from Bou Azzer, along with excellent new barite specimens from Bou Nahas.
Erythrite crystals from Bou Azzer are generally regarded as the finest in the world. The challenge with erythrite, however, is to obtain fine-quality specimens – the mineral is so soft and delicate that most specimens are damaged in the removal process or subsequent transportation. The erythrites in this small lot are superb quality specimens of this beautiful mineral.

 Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, MoroccoErythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco – crystals up to 0.9 cm

Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco

Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco – 1.0 cm crystal

Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco

Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco – field of view 2.8 cm

Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco

Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco – field of view 2.2 cm

Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco

Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco – field of view 2.6 cm

Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco

Erythrite, Bou Azzer, Tazenahkt, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco – field of view 3.3 cm

Barite is one of the most common minerals at Bou Nahas. Specimens of barite and associated sulfide minerals (particularly pyrite and chalcopyrite) from Bou Nahas have been reaching the market since about 2011. In 2014, blockier, glassy, lustrous barite crystals made their debut, and since then we’re continuing to see more specimens of barite and associated sulfides from this locality. High-quality isolated barite crystals and crystal groups remain relatively scarce at this point, as most of this material to date has been damaged either during extraction or during transportation – but the top quality pieces are excellent barite specimens.

Barite, Bou Nahas, Oumjrane, Alnif, Er Rachidia, Morocco

Barite, Bou Nahas, Oumjrane, Alnif, Er Rachidia, Morocco – 4.7 cm

Barite, Bou Nahas, Oumjrane, Alnif, Er Rachidia, Morocco

Barite, Bou Nahas, Oumjrane, Alnif, Er Rachidia, Morocco – 5.6 cm

Barite, Bou Nahas, Oumjrane, Alnif, Er Rachidia, Morocco

Barite, Bou Nahas, Oumjrane, Alnif, Er Rachidia, Morocco – 4.4 cm

Barite, Bou Nahas, Oumjrane, Alnif, Er Rachidia, Morocco

Barite with pyrite crystals, Bou Nahas, Oumjrane, Alnif, Er Rachidia, Morocco – 5.4 cm