Posted by: macadmin on 04.23.2020 | Filed under:


Specimen # 100569
Mineral: Zoisite
Location: Alchuri, Shigar Valley, Baltistan, N.A., Pakistan
Size: 5.2 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm
Specimen # 100569
Mineral: Zoisite
Location: Alchuri, Shigar Valley, Baltistan, N.A., Pakistan
Size: 5.2 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm
Price: $200.00 CAD


1 in stock


A beautiful slender zoisite crystal, this is actually doubly-terminated with no point of attachment. The crystal is in excellent condition, with no damage and just minor rubs on the bottom, complex feathered termination. There is crystal etching at various places on this specimen, including at the terminations. The upper section of the crystal is essentially transparent, and viewed from the side, one can see distinct colour zoning, with one portion darker than the other.

The specimen is fairly dark, and its overall appearance is best approximated by the first photograph, although the second photo conveys the lustre. The rest of the photos use some backlighting and lighter background so that you can see the features of the crystal as you would, examining it in hand under a good light. The last photo shows the zoning, with dark on the left, and lighter on the right.

A super crystal of naturally green-toned zoisite!