
I’ve added new mesolite on laumontite from Stronach Brook, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Excellent new laumontite specimens are from two finds: one at Stronach Brook in the summer of 2021 and another at Harbourville in 2020.

New “chocolate laumontites” from a single pocket at Long Beach, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. To my knowledge, this pocket was unique – I’ve never seen or heard of laumontite like these specimens.

I’ve added excellent new specimens from Cape Split in this Nova Scotia Update. Over the past three years, a pocket system at Cape Split has sporadically yielded excellent, distinctive specimens of several minerals, most notably the groups and hemispheres (and even balls) of natrolite crystals, associated with sharp analcime crystals, and lustrous brownish stilbite crystals. This group of specimens represents some of the nicest pieces recovered from these finds.