
I’ve added beautiful specimens of stilbite and analcime from Five Islands, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I’ve added super new quartz specimens from McKay Head, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I’ve posted beautiful new chabazites from Wasson’s Bluff, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I’ve added new mesolite on laumontite from Stronach Brook, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I’ve added excellent new specimens from the John S. White collection. The theme of this update began as quartz with inclusions, but there are specimens exhibiting other phenomena as well – phantoms, zoning, selective deposition.

I’ve added beautiful copper specimens from Cap D’Or, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Excellent new laumontite specimens are from two finds: one at Stronach Brook in the summer of 2021 and another at Harbourville in 2020.

New “chocolate laumontites” from a single pocket at Long Beach, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. To my knowledge, this pocket was unique – I’ve never seen or heard of laumontite like these specimens.

New specimens from the Pete Richards collection, from the Steep Rock Mine, Atikokan, Rainy River District, Ontario.

I’ve added great new specimens from the Steve Szilard Collection – these are beautiful pieces from some remote localities in northern and western Canada.

I’ve posted great specimens in the new Nova Scotia Thomsonite update. These are from the small 2020 thomsonite find at Cap D’Or – they are very fine Nova Scotia thomsonites.

I’ve added an update with great new specimens from the Steve Szilard Collection. These are beautiful specimens from Quebec and Eastern Canada. This is the first of many more Canadian minerals that will grace the website this year.