
Canadian Titanite Update – January 2015
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 01.05.2015 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I have added a group of excellent new specimens in the Canadian Titanite Update (click here).  These crystals are remarkable for their quality and sharpness.
Titanite is among the most highly-prized minerals in the Bancroft Area and other regions of the Grenville Province. And yet, truly excellent quality specimens are elusive, both locally and on the international market. One reason is that titanite is very brittle. Its wedge-shaped crystals feature long, thin edges that are easily broken, cracked and chipped, by natural processes and also by collectors. Another issue is that titanite crystals from the Grenville are very often incompletely formed or heavily contacted, having often formed contemporaneously with other neighbouring minerals.
The crystals in this update have a black appearance, but on close inspection of the crystal edges under bright light you can see that they are in fact the deepest reddish-brown colour.
Titanite, Quebec, Canada

Titanite, Zec Bras-Coupé-Désert, Moncerf-Lytton, Outaouais, Quebec, Canada – 5.5 cm

 Titanite, Quebec, Canada

Titanite, Zec Bras-Coupé-Désert, Moncerf-Lytton, Outaouais, Quebec, Canada – 3.4 cm

Titanite, Quebec, Canada

Titanite, Zec Bras-Coupé-Désert, Moncerf-Lytton, Outaouais, Quebec, Canada – 6.5 cm