
Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 08.30.2022 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

I’ve posted new worldwide mineral specimens from the Gerald Panneton collection. This update features spectacular pieces, some of which are right up with the best I’ve offered on the website.

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 08.14.2015 | Filed under: Bancroft, Ontario, Latest, Mineral Shows

This is a great time of year in Bancroft. The woods are full of deep green, the lake is warm enough that it’s no longer only the dog who thinks swimming is a good idea, and… it’s our mineral show season. Every summer, on the last Sunday of July we host the Bancroft Gem and Mineral Club Show, and the following Thursday marks the beginning of the four-day Bancroft Rockhound Gemboree.

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 01.05.2015 | Filed under: Latest, Recent Mineral Updates

This update features Canadian titanite crystals. One of the most highly-prized minerals from central Canada, truly excellent quality specimens are elusive, both locally and on the international market. These ones are remarkable for their quality and sharpness.

Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 11.25.2014 | Filed under: Adventurers, Bancroft, Ontario, Latest

Many Bancroft Area minerals are classics. Although fine specimens from the Bancroft Area are uncommon on the international market, they can still be field collected. Bancroft mineral collecting continues each year and it is beautiful in the fall. I thought you might like some glimpses of our fall, scenes, wildlife and recent mineral collecting in the Bancroft Area.