
I’ve added beautiful specimens of stilbite and analcime from Five Islands, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I’ve posted beautiful specimens in this new Nova Scotia Gmelinite Update. These include superb crystals from Two Islands and also some sharp, glassy specimens of gmelinite after chabazite from Five Islands.

I’ve added beautiful specimens of golden stilbite and glassy analcime from a recent collecting project in this new Five Islands Update. These specimens are from a pocket that was in an area of the cliff face often regarded as precarious (fortunately it was safe enough to save these pieces!).

I’ve added some excellent gmelinite specimens from Two Islands and Five Islands, Nova Scotia, in the new Nova Scotia Update. This update includes nice analcime and stilbite specimens as well.

This new post is Nova Scotia’s Bay of Fundy Part 2: The Islands. Superb specimens of many minerals have been found at Two Islands and Five Islands, including world class gmelinite crystals, and great specimens of natrolite, analcime and stilbite. This post offers a glimpse into these classic Canadian localities.

I’ve added Part 2, a new Nova Scotia Update, with minerals from the Bay of Fundy. The specimens from this update are from different localities from last week – Two Islands, Five Islands and Cape Split. This group of specimens includes superb gmelinite crystals, sharp analcime crystals and sparkling natrolites.

Great new pieces are on the website in the latest Nova Scotia Update. Most of these are from the collection of well-known Nova Scotia collector Terry Collett. They are top quality specimens! There are super specimens from thumbnail to cabinet, including gmelinite, chabazite, natrolite and golden stilbite. The crystallization and condition of these pieces is superb.

The specimens in this Gmelinite Update are sharp, brilliantly lustrous crystals of gmelinite after chabazite from the classic locality Pinnacle Rock, Five Islands, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada. These are from some of the top finds at the locality and are super for the species, from any locality. The crystal growth patterns on these are exquisite.