
I’ve added new specimens in this new Worldwide Update, including specimens from the Pete Richards collection and the Steve Szilard collection. I hope you enjoy them!

I’ve added great new specimens in a new update of pieces from the Steve Szilard Collection. Steve is a well-known and highly respected Canadian mineral collector and this update includes fine mineral specimens from all over the world.

I’ve posted the second in a series of updates with superb specimens from John White’s collection.

New from South Africa, excellent specimens of inesite from a small recent find, a fantastic ettringite/hematite specimen, and gorgeous green fluorites from Riemvasmaak.

This South-Africa – Kenya Update includes a small number of excellent specimens. From South Africa, there are beautiful complex hematite crystals from the N’Chwaning II Mine. And from Kenya, there is a small group of the superb epidotes from Pakot, North Eastern Province, from the 2002 find.