
I have posted great new specimens from the John S. White Collection – Virginia & Maryland suite. These include superb apophyllites from the famous finds at the Fairfax Quarry, and also many more interesting pieces: apophyllite, prehnite and datolite from the Virginia trap rock quarries; and more unusual finds such as Virginia pyromorphite and Maryland gold.

I’ve posted excellent specimens from the John S. White Pennsylvania collection. These include some of the best Smoky Mountain smoky quartz specimens known, along with great specimens of classic Pennsylvania minerals and rarities – pyromorphite, celestine, andradite, magnetite, rutile, calcite, stellerite, ruizite, and more.

I’ve added more great U.S. specimens in this new Pete Richards Collection Update. These include beautiful specimens from classic American localities from across the country.

I’ve posted beautiful new specimens in this Moroccan Prehnite Update. These are from a recent find of excellent prehnite near Taza, Fès-Meknès, Morocco.

It’s hard to believe how different the world was, only a few weeks ago. Who imagined then, all the ways in which our lives would be impacted in the weeks after Tucson. It will be a while until all of us are once again together at a large international show, which makes it all the more important to enjoy show memories and stay connected online. In that light, let’s travel back to Tucson…

I’ve posted the fourth in a series of updates with superb specimens from John White’s collection.

I’ve posted the first in a series of updates with superb specimens from John White’s collection. These wonderful high-quality specimens from John’s collection are from a wide range of localities (classic to contemporary) and include a variety of minerals.

I’ve posted Indian specimens from the personal collection of Rock Currier in this new update. Great specimens with great histories.

I’ve posted some super specimens in this new Tanzania Update. This group of specimens includes a variety of species from several different finds, and includes a world-class alabandite.

I’ve just added a post with my report from the Tucson shows, 2018. Some new finds and lots of excellent new mineral specimens!

I’ve posted fun new specimens in this Mali Update. This update features particularly good clinochlore crystals, and also specimens of prehnite, grossular and andradite specimens, with some distinctive finds and a couple of unusual Mali localities.

I’ve added new specimens in this Mali Update (click here), including excellent prehnite, epidote, grossular and a particularly sharp vesuvianite.